Term Information

Voorste bovenste darmbeendoorn


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Change history

by: A.A.H. (Fred) van Immerseel, Netherlands  [Change Id: 3]
NEW Term:Voorste bovenste darmbeendoorn [ATI-TermId:31951]
Language:Dutch [Nederlands]
Concept to which this term belongs:Spina iliaca anterior superior [ATI-ConceptId: 5883]
Clinical Term:No
SET (or ADDED) Reference (Book):Het Menselijk Lichaam, 3 Ed., prof. dr. A. Faller, 1978, ISBN:90 313 0296 1, Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema
SET (or ADDED) Contributor: A.A.H. van Immerseel, Netherlands
REASON FOR CHANGE(S): Import Dutch terms