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Musculus obliquus externus abdominis / External abdominal oblique muscle

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Real or virtual

Physical structure (including spaces) or referring to something physical, such as an area, shape, line, etc.
Imaging concept (i.e. not a real structure, but something appearing or identified as an entity on an X-ray, scan etc.)
Mental concept (a meaning that does not refer to something physical)

Observation scale



e.g. lung v.s. lungs


Repetition Pattern

Occurs only once in the body
One instance on the left and one instance on the right
Multiple instances on the left, and multiple instances on the right
Multiple instances, but not left/right specific

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Language of the definition or description


Muscle with attachments on the external surfaces of 5th-12th ribs, linea alba
tendinous raphe extending from the xiphoid process to the symphisis pubis and the pubic crest formed by aponeurotic fibres of the external oblique, internal oblique and the transversus abdominis
, pubic tubercle
Elevation on the medio-anterior side of the pubis to which the inguinal ligament attaches.
, inguinal ligament
No definition has been entered
and anterior half of the iliac crest
Flat and slightly curved superior edge of the wing of ilium.
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This section shows different terms/ synonyms for the structure/concept shown above.

Official term

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Official term
This is an official anatomical term approved by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). It is locked for editing.
This term was approved by 2 experts and is locked for editing.
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This term was approved by 1 expert and is locked for editing.
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This term is In Terminologia Anatomica 1 (TA1) as preferred Latin term, under TAID(s) A04.5.01.008.

Terminologia Anatomica (TA) is the official listing of recommended anatomical terms, agreed upon and laid down by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA).

  • TA1 was issued in 1998.
  • TA2 was accepted in 2021 and succeeded TA1


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Musculus obliquus externus abdominis

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Official term

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Official term
This is an official anatomical term approved by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). It is locked for editing.
This term was approved by 2 experts and is locked for editing.
Under review
This term was approved by 1 expert and is locked for editing.
Not reviewed
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This term is In Terminologia Anatomica 1 (TA1) as preferred Latin term, under TAID(s) A04.5.01.008.

Terminologia Anatomica (TA) is the official listing of recommended anatomical terms, agreed upon and laid down by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA).

  • TA1 was issued in 1998.
  • TA2 was accepted in 2021 and succeeded TA1


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Language of the term


Obliquus externus abdominis muscle

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Official term

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Official term
This is an official anatomical term approved by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). It is locked for editing.
This term was approved by 2 experts and is locked for editing.
Under review
This term was approved by 1 expert and is locked for editing.
Not reviewed
This term has not yet been reviewed by an expert.
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This term is In Terminologia Anatomica 1 (TA1) as preferred English term, under TAID(s) A04.5.01.008.

Terminologia Anatomica (TA) is the official listing of recommended anatomical terms, agreed upon and laid down by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA).

  • TA1 was issued in 1998.
  • TA2 was accepted in 2021 and succeeded TA1


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Language of the term


External abdominal oblique muscle

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Official term

Reviewing status

Official term
This is an official anatomical term approved by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). It is locked for editing.
This term was approved by 2 experts and is locked for editing.
Under review
This term was approved by 1 expert and is locked for editing.
Not reviewed
This term has not yet been reviewed by an expert.
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This term is In Terminologia Anatomica 1 (TA1) as preferred English term, under TAID(s) A04.5.01.008.

Terminologia Anatomica (TA) is the official listing of recommended anatomical terms, agreed upon and laid down by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA).

  • TA1 was issued in 1998.
  • TA2 was accepted in 2021 and succeeded TA1


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Language of the term


External oblique

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Not reviewed

Reviewing status

Official term
This is an official anatomical term approved by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). It is locked for editing.
This term was approved by 2 experts and is locked for editing.
Under review
This term was approved by 1 expert and is locked for editing.
Not reviewed
This term has not yet been reviewed by an expert.
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Language of the term

Chinese [中文; 汉语; 华语]


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Not reviewed

Reviewing status

Official term
This is an official anatomical term approved by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). It is locked for editing.
This term was approved by 2 experts and is locked for editing.
Under review
This term was approved by 1 expert and is locked for editing.
Not reviewed
This term has not yet been reviewed by an expert.
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Language of the term

French [français]

Muscle oblique externe de l'abdomen

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Not reviewed

Reviewing status

Official term
This is an official anatomical term approved by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA). It is locked for editing.
This term was approved by 2 experts and is locked for editing.
Under review
This term was approved by 1 expert and is locked for editing.
Not reviewed
This term has not yet been reviewed by an expert.
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Language of the term

Dutch [Nederlands]

Uitwendige schuine buikspier

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Musculus obliquus internus abdominis is a similar concept (not further specified) as Musculus obliquus externus abdominis

Musculus obliquus internus abdominis »

Musculus obliquus internus abdominis [ATI-ConceptId: 2343] is a similar concept (not further specified) as Musculus obliquus externus abdominis [ATI-ConceptId: 2142]


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